Recruit a link

Help us form a chain of solidarity!

It’s simple!

Talk about us and recruit a new link for our chain amongst the people you know!

You are about best ambassadors!

It’s to contribute financially to the mission of Cyclo Nord-Sud.

Starting at $ 30, you are considered an active link and will receive a tax receipt!

Have you ever wondered what impact have your donations ? Here are some answers.

Since you are already a link in our chain (member), we know your support us!

The person you recruit will only have to mention your name in the donation form and you will automatically be entered in the draw that will take place on December 20th 2017.

Thanks to your help, we can grow our community of supporters and promote our mission even more.

And to thank you, every time your name is mentioned by a new link, you have the chance win one of the great prizes. So the more your name is cited, the more chances you get to win :

1- A brand new bike worth $ 650
2-  A 3 hour-long one-on-one basic mechanics training with a basic tune-up
3- A year-long subscription to BIXI

The draw will take place on December 20th 2017.