Bike sales and parts: Join the circular economy !
The sale of new and used parts and unrepaired used bikes is an initiative to support our mission while avoiding waste.

Every year, too many bicycle parts are thrown away because, according to the bicycle industry, they are no longer “saleable”. These may be top-of-the-range new parts that have become incompatible with more recent models, or parts with cosmetic defects.
At the same time, many private customers are forced to buy a new bike because they have not been able to find the parts they need for repairs.
- Sales (by appointment) of top-of-the-range new and used parts,
- Monthly sales (in season) of unrepaired used parts & bikes.
The “parts & bike sales” project, currently in its exploratory phase, aims to convert this potential waste into an opportunity to support the organization’s mission.
To do this, we are putting unsold parts back on the market, along with used, unrepaired bikes that don’t really fit the criteria of our solidarity projects.
Consult our parts catalog or come and rummage in our Ali Baba’s cave (no online ordering, visit for purchase by appointment only or during our sales events).
Reducing bicycle waste
Support our Mission
Encouraging sustainable mobility
Promoting the circular economy

How to schedule your visit ?
How to follow us ?
Follow our Facebook account dedicated to the “parts & bike sales” project to keep up to date with our upcoming sales events.