Cycling offers great mobility and has a positive impact on many aspects.

  • Efficiency

Bicycles have the advantage of being slim and fluid, yet able to carry heavy loads. In fact, it can carry up to 10 times your own weight, or even more if you add a rear cargo area. Some people even go so far as to move house using their bike1. That’s what Déménagement Myette does.

  • Saving space and time

By being slim and fluid, the bike can roll through the streets without getting stuck behind obstacles, or being one itself. It takes up around 5 times less space than a car. That’s why, in the city, bicycles travel faster than cars, making them the perfect way to avoid car traffic, especially for trips of 5 km or less! What’s more, average speed rises considerably with an electric bike, or when you use safe, efficient cycle paths.

Moreover, a rack for parking bicycles can accommodate around ten bicycles where only a car would fit.
  • Traffic
Unlike cars, bicycles require almost no infrastructure for travel, especially if we consider the average occupancy rate of cars with 1.2 passengers. 8. It is therefore not surprising that large cities experience such severe congestion problems. Sources : 5 6 7